Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Posted on August 16, 2013

bjj_brazilian_jiu_jitsu_flagWe will be offering Brazilian Jiu Jitsu beginning this fall. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an exciting art which teaches students the art of grappling and working from the ground.

We will be hosting a seminar on Sunday, August 25, from 5-7 pm to get things started. Seminar cost is $20 and will introduce you to what our BJJ curriculum will be like.

Ages for this system are 13 and up with instructor approval.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm.

Cost for MPK students is $80 for a 4-month session. Sign up at the front desk if you plan to attend.

Relay for Life Weekend

Posted on July 26, 2013

This is Relay for Life weekend. MPK will be performing a demo at about 7:30 pm on Saturday evening. We would like to invite everyone down to participate with us to show your support for the Relay and the fight against cancer.

The demonstration should take about 30-45 minutes total. Every belt rank will have something they can show as part of the demo. We will also select a few students to show individual skills or forms.
Please arrive at the DeForest High School by 6 pm for a group practice.

Any questions please let me know!


Kick-a-thon and other notes…

Posted on July 17, 2013

After the Relay for Life Kick-a-thon Wednesday July 17, we’ll have our regularly scheduled classes, in case you were wondering. Learn more about the Kick-a-thon here.

Also, this Saturday morning July 20, we will be hosting another Black Belt test at 10:00 am. We will still have Leadership and Hyper Training at 9:00 am.

Looking ahead to Labor Day Weekend, we will not have class on Saturday, Aug. 31 or on Labor Day, Sept. 2…

Relay for Life Kick-a-thon Fundraiser

Posted on July 15, 2013

We are again participating in the Relay for Life American Cancer Society event this year. To support this awesome event we are hosting a high speed kick-a-thon.

I am looking for 100 students, families, or friends to join in the event to try to make a huge impact. If everyone contribute just a little time and talent, together we can make a really big difference.

The Kick-a-thon will be Wednesday, July 17, at the MPK studio at 5:30 pm.

Other important dates:

Monday, July 22 — date all sponsor donations should be collected.

Wednesday, July 24 — turn in all donations to MPK.

Click below for complete information and pass it on!

Kick-a-thon Details

Testing Week of June 17

Posted on June 17, 2013

Just a reminder that we are testing this week (June 17-21) on MONDAY night and WEDNESDAY night. Here are notes regarding this week:

  • No class on Monday for any group.
  • Normal Sparring, Leadership, and Adult workout on Tuesday.
  • Testing on Wednesday begins at 5:30, so Little kickers have class at 5:00.
  • Normal Classes on Thursday.

    Friday Half-Day Schedule (5/24)

    Posted on May 24, 2013

    Friday, May 24, is a half day of school, and here’s how we plan to schedule the afternoon at MPK.

    When students arrive some Little Kickers will be testing for their next belt. Once their testing is done, we’ll take a walk to Fireman’s Park to play and get some fresh air. We will be back at MPK sometime before 4:30.

    If you or someone else will be pickup up your child before the regular pick up times, please call either Mr. Armstrong (608-225-5853) or Ms. Melinda (608-843-6887) to make arrangements for pick up. Thank you!