UPDATE: Covid Contact

Posted on February 12, 2021

Hello, we have just been notified (Friday, Feb. 12) that we have had a positive Covid-19 exposure at MPK. It was in our Monday-Tuesday A+ After School program.

Because of this, we need to close all martial arts classes until Feb. 24 due to protocol.
We are holding all martial arts classes virtually until then. We will be sending links to your virtual classes over the weekend.

Yoga and TFT will be available as they were not affected.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

— Mr. Armstrong

Expanded After School Program

Posted on January 15, 2021

With school extending hybrid learning to more and more students, we’re expanding our After School program! We are now covering Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday. The current rate is $20 per day.

If you’re interested in the after school program or have any questions, just let us know.

Contact Us

Winter Break Class Signup

Posted on December 18, 2020

With our altered schedule for winter break intended to balance instruction time for our different class sections, we’ve updated our in-person class signup options to reflect these changes. Please use the following links to sign up for winter break classes.

You can also find class sign up in the MPK App:

  1. Click on the menu icon (in either the top left corner or the bottom right corner)
  2. Click on Class Sign Up.
  3. Click on View all available options.
  4. Select the date you want to sign up for. Or, email us with which days you plan on attending, and we can reserve your spot from our end.

Students attending online between 12/28 and 12/30 will not need to sign up in advance. If you need the Zoom link or have problems getting into the meeting, you can email us at mpkstudio@karatedeforest.com or give us a call at 608-846-5111.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you all for your support, we all hope you enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

Back With Groups of 10!

Posted on December 15, 2020

Beginning tomorrow December 16, we will start teaching classes in person.

Dane County issued a new order (Emergency Order #11) which allows for us to teach classes to groups of 10 again! While this doesn’t get us back to “normal”, it will certainly be way more fun coming to class. If parents would like to watch classes, we have space in the A+ After School classroom.

Please remember to register for your class. We will continue to use the same schedule for all classes.

Live classes for all programs: Evening martial arts, Total Fitness Training, and Yoga will all be available again in the studio. We will still offer a virtual class for martial arts and for yoga so please be sure to register for your class through the MPK Deforest App.

Please remember to continue practicing proper hand washing and social distancing while in the building and while entering and exiting.

Face masks are still required for anyone in the building.

If you have any symptoms like a runny nose, cough, body aches, or fever, please stay home. We will miss you but we are trying like crazy to keep MPK a healthy place for everyone.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

— Mr. Armstrong

MPK Holiday Apparel

Posted on November 29, 2020

We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. Each year MPK puts together a special holiday order for MPK Apparel that we do not stock in the studio. Everything from stocking hats to sweatshirts. Here is a link you can use to place an order: MPK Holiday Gear Orders are due by December 6. We recommend ordering soon as things get crazy this time of year! All items will be delivered to the studio before Christmas. We will let you know when things will be ready.

Also, remember that everything in our pro shop is on sale as well. This includes everything we stock at the studio, like uniforms and karate t-shirts. When making a purchase through our app, just use the coupon code MPKHOLIDAY for a 10% discount. Or, you can purchase items directly from us using this link: MPK Studio Items. The coupon code is valid through December 22, so take advantage of it while you can!

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Posted on November 23, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! We will be open Monday and Tuesday night for our regular class times. All classes will be in an OPEN GYM FORMAT. This worked really well last week and we hope our members can take advantage of this opportunity.

We will be CLOSED on Wednesday, 11/25 to begin the Thanksgiving holiday.

As a reminder, for all our LITTLE KICKERS, we ask that a parent attends with your student to help facilitate the work out. Our instructors will of course be available to assist and give advice.

For all our other classes, students are able to study their class requirements on their cards. We will still have our online classes available for all students to take advantage of.

  • Total Fitness classes will also be an open gym format.
  • Yoga will be online only.

Thank you for continuing to sign up for your classes either in the studio or online through the app. It really helps us plan for evening classes.

— Mr. A