Attending Classes by Belt Rank

Posted on September 5, 2019

With the start of the school year, our class attendance has jumped back up and we’d like to ask that all students try to attend the classes that are designated for their belt rank. Our classes are set up to deliver curriculum for White through Green Belts in the 5:30pm class and the advanced material for Purple through Brown Belts at 6:15pm. Our Black Belt Master’s class is also in the 6:15pm time slot.

Attending the rank-appropriate class helps ensure that each student gets the attention and material they need to progress to the next level and that the staff is able to focus on those specific ranks in each class. While our advanced students are welcome to drop in to the 5:30 class and can get a good workout in, they won’t be getting their own curriculum in that time slot, and we’d hate to see any of our students not getting what they need to be able to earn their stripes and test for their next belts.

As a reminder, our Saturday morning class is open to all ages and ranks at 9:45am. Thanks — have a great week!

— Jeni Risgaard, Front Desk Coordinator

BOKKEN: Begins Sat. 9/7

Posted on August 27, 2019

Our next weapons rotation begins Saturday, September 7. We’re doing bokken (wooden or foam sword) this time! Sign up and order you bokken today — available at the front desk.

REMINDER for Labor Day Weekend

Posted on August 26, 2019

Just a quick reminder that MPK will be closed Saturday, August 31 and Monday, September 2. We will not have martial arts classes, yoga, or total fitness — Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

Notes for the Week of Aug. 12

Posted on August 12, 2019

We have belt testing this week, so our schedule will be different on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday we will keep to our regular schedule.

On Monday, we will have Little Kicker class at 5:00 pm. The Intermediate belt test (students testing for purple belt and below) will start at 5:30 pm.

On Wednesday, we will not have Little Kicker class. The Advanced belt test (students testing for blue belt and above) will start at 5:30 pm. Students testing for red belt and above will need to bring their sparring gear, and everyone needs to be in full uniform.

We will still have yoga class on Monday and Wednesday.

After School Reaching Capacity

Posted on August 7, 2019

Just a reminder that there are only 16 spots left for our A+ After School Program before we reach the program’s maximum capacity! Registration for the two-day option is now closed — but the three-day and full time (4-5 day) options are still open.

Signup Today

Bokken Begins 9/7

Posted on August 6, 2019

Our bokken rotation (wooden or foam sword) will start Saturday, September 7. We’ve decided to push the start date back so it’s after school starts and everyone can have a bit more time to enjoy the rest of their summer. Rotation sign up and bokken orders are still open at the front desk.