Due to the extreme crazy cold, MPK will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 7… no classes. Stay warm and see you tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 8)!
BRRRR! No classes Jan 7
Posted on January 7, 2015
Posted on January 7, 2015
Due to the extreme crazy cold, MPK will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 7… no classes. Stay warm and see you tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 8)!
Posted on January 5, 2015
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Please keep these dates in mind as you get back into the swing of things again… on Monday, January 19, there is no school and Friday, January 23, is an early release day so it is a half-day at school…
Posted on December 23, 2014
We hope you are all enjoying the Holiday Season thus far. If you are going to be in town over the next couple weeks, MPK will be open for some Holiday Kicking & Punching!
Here is the MPK Holiday Schedule through January 3, 2015:
Tuesday, Dec 23 — normal class schedule
Saturday, Dec 27 — normal class schedule
Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 29 & 30 — normal class schedule
Saturday, Jan. 3 — normal class schedule
Posted on December 9, 2014
Just a quick reminder that this is test week at MPK (Dec. 8 – Dec. 13).
Classes will be on a normal schedule and students will test in class. Plan on attending your normal class if you are not testing.
Saturday, Dec. 13, is graduation day at 10am. Please be early for your class and early for graduation.
Also if you are a Facebook fan, use the “check In” button and when you show us you’ve checked in, you’ll get a free bottle of water at the front desk — and your name will also automatically be entered in a monthly drawing for an MPK t-shirt!
Posted on December 1, 2014
Hey everyone! We’re looking forward to getting back to some great classes & workouts. This will be a really fun month with many of our students testing for their next belt as well as an opportunity for all our students to invite a friend or family member to be their guest in class. Here is what to plan for…
* Due to testing and graduation during the week of the 12/8-12/13, please invite your guest to classes either this week (12/1-12/6) or beginning the week of the 12/14.
Posted on November 20, 2014
There will be NO A+ After School classes Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (Nov. 26-27-28) for Thanksgiving. We’ll have a short week with only Monday & Tuesday.
If you are sticking around the area, feel free to drop in for class Wednesday evening. Please grab your card off the back counter and move it up front to get credit for class. A+ students will need to wear the FULL uniform for evening classes.
Wednesday Evening Classes (Nov. 26):
Little Kickers (age: 5-7): 5:00-5:30pm
Juniors (age: 8 and up): 5:30-6:15pm
Saturday Morning (Nov. 29):
Open Gym* 9:00-10:30am
*Parents are welcome to come and work with your child, along with instructors.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!