Closed Memorial Day Weekend

Posted on May 26, 2016

We are closed for Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 28 and Monday, May 29. Classes will resume on the normal schedule on Tuesday, May 31.

Have a great holiday weekend — we’ll see you next week!

— Jeni Risgaard, Front Desk Coordinator

Ninja Night 5/20

Posted on May 12, 2016

“Ninja Night” is next Friday, May 20, if you’re interested in a parent’s night out. Here are the details:

WHO – All kids, kindergarten age and up Friends who are not MPK students are welcome, so bring a buddy

WHEN – Friday, May 20, 6-9 pm

COST – $20 for the first child, $15 for additional kids

WHAT – Games, pizza, and a movie

There is a sign up sheet on the front desk, or you can email me the names and ages and I’ll add you to the list. Please sign up as early as possible to reserve your spot — past Ninja Nights have filled up by about mid-week before the event.

Thanks, we look forward to seeing you here!

— Jeni Risgaard, Front Desk Coordinator

Women’s Self Defense Seminar

Posted on May 6, 2016

Just wanted to post a last reminder about our Women’s Self Defense Seminar on Saturday, May 14, 1-4pm. This is a great opportunity for girls entering high school or leaving for college in the fall, as well as anyone wanting to learn techniques to stay safe. This is not limited to MPK families, so please feel free to share it with your friends or family. If you’d like to attend, please send in your information by early next week, if possible.

Who: Women and girls age 13 and up

When: Saturday, May 14, 1 – 4 pm

Where: Midwest Professional Karate
623 S. Main St. Deforest (next to Pick n Save)

Cost: There is no charge for the seminar, but we will be accepting donations to support Deforest charity, Deforest Area Needs Network (DANN)

Sign Up: Register at MPK, or email the names and ages of participants to

No need to bring anything, just wear comfortable clothes and come ready to practice your self-defense skills.

— Jeni Risgaard, Front Desk Coordinator

A Few A+ After School Reminders…

Posted on April 21, 2016

Important things coming up next week (week of 4/25):

• MONDAY 4/25Early Release Day. If you haven’t already marked the sheet on the counter or have emailed me, please do so ASAP before Friday, so we have everyone accounted for.

• THURSDAY 4/28Take Your Child To Work Day. If you plan to take your child with you to work, please let me know if you haven’t already done so. Some of you already let me know. Middle School students need to get a pre-approval sheet from the office and get it signed by their teachers along with “Take Your Child To Work form for parents to fill out. I had to do it for my son this week.

• REGISTRATION FOR NEXT FALL — If you plan to return next year, pick up your paperwork at the front counter. Get your paperwork/payment turned in before June 30 for early registration. After June 30 the rates go up.

If you’re unsure about returning, you can pick up just the rate sheet. It is important to know who is returning — and who is going into Middle School grades 5-8 — so Mr. Armstrong can figure out the best transportation options.

— Melinda Huber

Saturday Schedule and a Super Sunday

Posted on April 15, 2016

Just a couple quick reminders:

• Saturday, April 16 – There are no regular classes this Saturday while we do belt promotion testing.

Those testing should be here no later than 9:15 am in full uniforms, and starting to warm up. This is for all ranks, gold stripe through brown stripe. Testing will begin at 9:30. For intermediates, testing should take no more than an hour, and for advanced students, about 2 hours.

If you’re not testing, you’re welcome to come down and cheer on those who are.

• Sunday, April 24 – Black Belt 1st and 2nd Degree candidates will have a Super Sunday on 4/24 from 5-6:30 pm. Be sure to take advantage of the additional training time if you can!

Events and Info for March

Posted on March 16, 2016

Hi MPK Families, there are a few important dates and changes coming up for the end of March. Here’s a quick summary:

  • Weapons Seminar — just a reminder for those of you who signed up for the Bo or Bokken seminar this weekend, we’ll be starting at 4:00 on Saturday, March 19th. Please come a few minutes early if you still need to take care of payment or pick up your weapon.
  • Super Sunday — there will be a Super Sunday this weekend, March 20th from 5:00-6:30 p.m. for 1st and 2nd Degree Black Belt Candidates. With only one Super Saturday this month, this is a great opportunity to get the additional training in, especially for those of you who might test in July — ramp up for the July test starts in April!
  • No Class Saturday, March 26 — we will be closing on Easter weekend, so there will be no Total Fitness or martial arts classes that Saturday.
  • Weapons/Hyper Rotation — In April we’ll be starting the next rotation of Hyper and weapons training with both Bo and Bokken modules available. Classes will be Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings and are appropriate for both kids (8 and up) and adults. Cost is $20 per month ($60 for the 3-month rotation), and the sign up sheet will be available after this weekend’s seminar. It’s not necessary to attend the seminar to participate in the program.
  • Tuesday Evening Schedule Change — Beginning in April, our Tuesday night schedule will change to allow our A+ After School members the opportunity to participate in our Weapons/Hyper training. The new schedule is below — please also note the change to the sparring age groups.
  • 3:30 – 5:00 – A+ After School classes (no change)
    5:00 – 5:45 – Hyper/Weapons class with Bo and Bokken
    5:45 – 6:15 – Group 1 Sparring – all students age 4-10
    6:15 – 7:00 – Group 2 Sparring – all students age 11 and older
    7:00 – 8:00 – Total Fitness Training (no change)

  • Lost and Found — a lot of our lost items have found their homes, but we still have some sweatshirts and other clothing, water bottles and lunchboxes hanging out at the studio. If you haven’t checked it out, please do in the next couple of weeks. We’ll be donating any items still left at the end of March.
    Thanks, have a fantastic week!

— Jeni Risgaard, Front Desk Coordinator