Important Reminders…

Posted on March 10, 2016

We have two important reminders for you:

  • Our weapons seminar scheduled for March 19 has received good response. So we can order weapons by this weekend, we need to have everyone who wants to attend signed up as quickly as possible. If you plan to attend but haven’t signed up yet, please sign up tonight in class or send me an email with the details, and I’ll get you registered.
  • There will be no regular Saturday classes (March 12) except for Total Fitness Training at 8:00. We have a Black Belt test scheduled to start at 10am, so feel free to come down and cheer on the 4 candidates who have worked so hard to get to this point.

Lost & Found

Posted on March 1, 2016

Hey MPK Families, when you’re in for class over the next couple of weeks, please stop at the lost and found area just behind the front desk to see if you recognize anything. We’re building up a pretty good collection of sweatshirts, along with a few pairs of snow pants, a couple of winter coats, some pink rain boots, water bottles, and a large variety of miscellaneous items…

Super Sunday Cancelled

Posted on February 19, 2016

Brown and Black Belts: Super Sunday on Feb 21 has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. We’re sorry for any inconvenience.

Please make a note that the next Super Saturday will be on March 4.

Notes for the Week of Feb 15

Posted on February 11, 2016

Happy Valentine’s Day a little early! We have a group of students who will be testing next week, Feb. 15-19, so we have a modified evening class schedule.

The A+ After School schedule will be the same as usual, although testing will be going on during regular times for those students who have been approved to test.

Evening students who are not testing, please note that there are no regular classes on Monday for Little Kickers and no regular classes on Monday and Wednesday for Juniors and Adults who are under Red Belt. Red and Brown Belts are invited and encouraged to attend class during the Monday and Wednesday test times to take advantage of some additional training time. Please see the evening class schedule below for details.

Uniforms: Full uniforms are required for all test days and graduation.

Test Fees: If you have not yet paid your test fee, you can take care of this any time next week, or make other arrangements with the front desk staff. Fees are noted on permission slips – $10 for all Little Kicker testing, $20 for Gold, Orange, and Green testers, and $40 for advanced testers in the Junior and Adult groups.


Monday, Feb. 15 – No regular classes except for Master’s class.

  • Testing for Little Kickers at 5:00
  • Testing for Junior and Adult Gold, Orange, and Green belts at 5:30
  • Testing for Junior and Adult Purple, Blue, Red, and Brown belts at 6:15 (Red/Brown may attend)
  • Regular Master’s class at 7:00

Tuesday, Feb. 16 – Regular sparring and Hyper classes at normal times

  • Sparring is required for testing students who are Blue Belts and above

Wednesday, Feb. 17 – No regular classes except for Master’s class

  • Regular Little Kicker class at 5:00 plus make up LK testing
  • Testing for all Junior and Adult belt ranks at 5:30. Advanced belts will continue into in the 6:15 class time. No regular classes.
  • Regular Master’s class at 7:00

Thursday, Feb. 18 – Regular classes for all time slots plus any make up testing still needed.

Friday, Feb. 19 – Graduation and belt presentation for all belt ranks, both A+ After School and evening students, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Family members are welcome to come and celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of these students.

— Jeni Risgaard, Front Desk Coordinator

Upcoming Events

Posted on January 19, 2016

Here is a quick update on a few of things going on at MPK.

Super Sunday – We have a Super Sunday Black Belt training scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 24, from 5-6:30 pm. We only had one Super Saturday this month because of the holidays so this will be a good opportunity to get your training in.

Colored Belt Test – Our next test is scheduled for the week of Feb. 15-19. The test schedule will be the same as the last test, and we’ll send that detail as it gets closer. If you have enough classes (minimum 40 for up to Red and 80 for Brown) and plan to test, be sure to sign up for stripe testing times on Saturdays to make sure you have all your colored stripes ahead of time.

Scarves on State – We have an MPK family involved in this organization to help Madison’s homeless population, and there is a great need for donations with the cold weather. Warm clothing for men, women, and children in all sizes are welcome, but there are a few things in high demand. If you can help with new or used items, bring them to MPK by Thursday of this week, and they’ll be picked up for delivery to those in need. Here are some items in high demand:

  • Warm men’s socks (size 9-12)
  • Men’s gloves and hats
  • Hand warmers
  • Men’s boots or sturdy walking shoes (even better if they’re waterproof)
  • Men’s coats, fleece, and sweatshirts in large sizes
  • First aid kits (travel size)
  • Personal hygiene products in travel size (no mouthwash or hand sanitizer, please)
  • Sleeping bags, tents, tarps, blankets
  • Bags – large purses, backpacks, or duffels
  • Women’s and kid’s winter clothing

$5 Referral – We have 50 referral dollars to hand out in $5 bills for those of you referring new students. We’ll give it away to the first ten people/families who refer someone who signs up for any of our programs.

A+ After School Notes

Posted on January 15, 2016

Quick reminder that Monday, January 18, there is NO SCHOOL. And, Friday, January 22, is a two-hour early release day. Short week!

  • If your child will not be attending MPK on any given day, please let us know.
  • If you need to pick up your child at a certain time/earlier then normal, please let us know in advance.
  • Please wash uniform/t-shirt each weekend and send it with your child to School following week. If you need to purchase more uniforms, t-shirts, see front desk.
  • There is still a lot of Lost and Found items – snow pants, sweatshirts, hats, pink rubber rain boots, etc. Please take a look when picking up your child to see if it belongs to you/child. We’ve asked the students and we get the same response – not mine! It’s spread out kitty corner behind the counter.
  • 4th grade – Middle School students: If your child is in 4th grade this year, going into 5th grade next year and for all Middle School students who plan to attend MPK After School Program next year, please email me. Mr. Armstrong is thinking ahead to have a plan for next year transportation and we are trying to get an idea who might return next year. Please think about it/talk about it and I’ll ask you again in couple of months.

We’ll be having two more students starting with us soon. One next week and another one in February. That puts our A+ student head count at 68!! That is awesome! This is our 5th year for After School Program and I’m proud to be a part of MPK family. I love my job, working with the staff, students, and families. That shows what kind of a Martial Arts Program we have and the families who are truly dedicated to our program. It’s so great to see the students grow when they started out as a white belt to where they are at now. What a great accomplishment as individuals and as a whole team. They make new friends from all four Schools. Never, ever give up, push them till the end and they’ll earn their black belt. 🙂

— Melinda Huber