Next Belt Promotion Test, 4/15

Posted on March 24, 2023

Our next belt promotion test date has been scheduled for Saturday, April 15, starting at 9:30 am. There will be no open gym or stripe testing that day. The test will include any student who is ready to test for Gold/Black Stripe belt through Brown belt. Criteria to participate in the test are:

  • At least 40 classes at their current belt rank
  • All five colored tips on their belt (Hand Techniques, Kicks, Self-Defense, Combinations, Traditional Movement)
  • Permission slip signed and turned in (Little Kicker and Junior students)
  • Test fee paid, if applicable (if promoting to the next solid color belt only)

If you or your student is getting close on classes and feels confident on the material for earning the stripes they need, there are a couple of options for the stripe test. We’ll try to catch as many students as possible for stripe tests in class over the next few weeks, but you can also sign up for a designated stripe testing time on Saturday mornings in the MyStudio app. If you have any questions or would like to check your number of classes, please stop at the front desk and we’ll be happy to go through it with you.

For those students getting ready to test for White/Black Stripe, Gold, or Gold/White Stripe, we’ll schedule those tests individually as you reach your classes and complete your stripes.