Stripe & Belt Testing Notes

Posted on September 23, 2024

One month into our new rotation for testing, we are thrilled to see everyone’s enthusiasm and dedication. As we move forward in our training journey, we wanted to share some important dates and details about our upcoming belt and stripe testing cycles. Your rank will determine when you’ll be testing for a new belt:

  • Gold through Blue belts will be testing in December.
  • Blue belts with black stripe through Brown belts with black stripe will be testing in February.

The dates listed below for testing are very important. Please put them on your calendar today. We know life is very busy right now for everyone, but our students work incredibly hard in their classes. We would like for everyone to make these dates a priority to celebrate their hard work and dedication.

Beginner and Intermediate – GOLD Belt to BLUE Belt

  • Month One: September, Kicks — Stripe Testing, Sept. 25 – 26
  • Month Two: October, Forms — Stripe Testing, Oct. 23 – 24
  • Month Three: November, Combos — Stripe Testing, Nov. 20 – 21
  • Month Four: December, Review — Belt Testing, Week of December 16th

Advanced – BLUE/black stripe to BROWN/black stripe

  • Month One: September, Kicks — Stripe Testing, Sept. 25 – 26
  • Month Two: October, Forms — Stripe Testing, Oct. 23 – 24
  • Month Three: November, Combos — Stripe Testing, Nov. 20 – 21
  • Month Four: December, Hands — Stripe Testing, Dec. 18 – 19
  • Month Five: January, Self Defense — Stripe Testing, Jan. 22 – 23
  • Month Five: February, Review — Belt Testing, Week of February 17th

Please note that MPK will not be open Thursday November 28th or Saturday the 30th, due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
We look forward to seeing all of you progress and achieve your goals in this new cycle. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm. Let’s make this a wonderful year together!

Labor Day Weekend Notes

Posted on August 28, 2024

Our studio will be closed this weekend from August 31 to September 2 in observance of Labor Day and we will resume normal classes on Tuesday, September 3.

Also, there will be no classes on Thursday, September 5, as we’ll be holding make-up belt testing that evening.

Back to Normal Schedule

Posted on August 19, 2024

Just a quick reminder that we’re back to our typical schedule this week after Belt Testing last week. We are open for all regular classes this week.

MPK Mats Sale!

Posted on August 3, 2024

With new mats on the way in mid-September, we’re offering you a chance to take home our current mats at an amazing price! These mats are perfect for home use, giving you a safe, clean, and easy-to-store workout surface. They roll up effortlessly, making them super convenient for any space.

Special Offer: Bring home a 12×12 ft section for just $450 (they cost over $900 new!). Each section is made up of two 6ft x 12ft pieces.

Need a bigger mat? No problem! Just let us know what you need and we’ll work something out.

Head over to the front desk and sign up to secure your mat today — let’s make your home workout space as awesome as our studio!

A note about the new mats coming to the studio: By mid-September we’ll be rolling out brand new, high-quality mats that feature a Velcro system to secure the mats for even better, safer experience.

A look at the mats for sale:

Belt Testing 8/15, 8/17

Posted on July 25, 2024

Students have been working hard over the last few months and making great progress, so we’re getting close to our next belt promotion test. Below are important details…

Students are eligible to test for their next belt if they have:

  • Earned all of their colored tips prior to the test (4 colors for White Belts, 5 colors for all other ranks)
  • Met class attendance requirements (see Mr. Armstrong or Ms. Risgaard if you have questions about this)


  • Little Kickers – All Ranks: Thursday, August 15 at 5:00 p.m. — All levels will test together, with each rank bowing out as their curriculum is completed. All belts will be awarded at the end of the test.
  • Jr/Adult Level 1 (White, Gold, and Orange Belts): Thursday, August 15 at 6:00 p.m. — All levels will test together, with each rank bowing out as their curriculum is completed. All belts will be awarded at the end of the test.
  • Jr/Adult Level 2, 3, and 4 (Green-Purple, Blue-Red, and Brown Belts): Saturday, August 17 beginning at 9:30 a.m. — The full test should take around 2 hours. All levels will begin together, and levels 2 and 3 will bow out as they complete their curriculum. All belts will be awarded at the end of the test.


  • All students must wear their full uniform, top and bottom.
  • Students testing for Blue/Black Stripe Belts and higher will need their sparring gear.
  • Plan to arrive 20-30 minutes before test time to warm up and practice.
  • Junior students will receive permission slips when they become eligible to test. Since school is not in session, only a parent/guardian signature is required.
  • Test fees are due if a student is testing for a new color belt. No fee is due if testing for a striped belt. Fees should be paid on or before the test date on the app or at the front desk, or we can send you a link.
  • We will have regular classes Monday-Wednesday of test week with a focus on skills review.
  • Our students have put a lot of work into preparing to test, Parents and families are welcome to attend and cheer their students on!

If you have any questions about testing, we’re happy to help. Hope to see you there!

4th of July Parade Notes

Posted on June 30, 2024

In the 30 years that MPK has been in business, one of our favorite things that we look forward to is marching in the 4th of July parade. This will be our 28th year participating! Following is the information if you and/or your student would like to partake in this fun experience:

Thursday, July 4th @ 10 am. Please arrive at the high school parking log no later than 9:30am! We are spot number 41 in the parade. We’ll meet on the lawn at the north side of the parking lot to line up and run through our routine. We will have a goody bag for all our marchers.


  • Karate pants
  • MPK t-shirt (or MPK summer camp shirt)
  • Karate belt (if you have one)
  • Comfortable shoes that won’t come off (no flip-flops)
  • A water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat

Pick up will be at Christ Lutheran Church after the parade (220 S Main St, DeForest, WI 53532). We will finish our parade route on the lawn at Christ Lutheran Church on Main Street. Parents please plan to meet your child there if you are not walking with them in the parade.

If you would like to participate, just stop by the front desk to sign-up!


  • We are looking for at least six parents to join us and bring wagons to hold water, candy, etc… Of course, we welcome any adult that would like to participate! Parents that are joining us please bring a wagon if you have one (we have more than 80 students marching!) as it is a great spot for water bottles in between our routines.
  • Students will do a martial arts routine during the parade — practice for this will be during class (it is age/belt level appropriate)

We can’t wait for this exciting celebration! Sign up at the front desk so we know how many goody bags to make. Please let us know if you have any questions.

— Front Desk Staff